Wednesday, February 29, 2012

No work today...

Despite temps in the 60+ degrees, no work on the house today.  Guess it's time for inspection #2.
Thought I'd share some random photos with you.

1 month to go!

Just one reason why we want a new house.  This is our shower- can't get more trashy. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Week 3 - Monday and Tuesday

Yesterday and today the wall forms came off and revealed the most beautiful walls I've ever seen.  Apparently we aren't going to have enough dirt to do the backfill.  Anyone know how you dig up a giant hole and then not have enough dirt to put it back, minus a large hole?  A great mystery...
Basement view from one end to the other.  Also have the window wells in place.
The black stuff on the outside is for damp-proofing.  The orange spray paint is the bathroom outlined.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Week 2 - Thursday and Friday

Concrete is still in the forms.  They came out to cover the walls yesterday since it rained and got a little snow overnight.  Otherwise, no new progress. 

5 weeks to go till baby arrives!

Happy Birthday Mike!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 2 - Wednesday

Today we got concrete poured for our basement walls.  Took about 13 trucks full of concrete.  Said they would leave the wall forms on about 3 days for it to set. 

Concrete trucks

Concrete walls
Couldn't ask for better weather today.  54 degrees and sunny.  Hope this keeps up :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Week 2 - Tuesday

Today they built up the wall forms even higher and put the window frames in for the basement.  Concrete comes tomorrow.

Look at that view!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 2- Monday

Today brought putting up more wall forms.  Looks like just a few gaps now, should be pouring concrete soon- get us some walls!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lets take a break for baby pictures :)

No work on the house today...

Today we went to Little Wonders for a 3D/4D ultrasound experience.  Thank you Dave and Lacy!  Sorry, but we stayed away from the between-the-legs area.  Here are a few pics. 

Face shot

Sticking its tongue out

Licking the arm

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 5

Today they started putting up the wall forms, got about half done. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Days 3 & 4

Despite the threat of rain yesterday, the workers were here working hard pouring the concrete for the footings yesterday and today brought several loads of gravel to fill in the foundation.  Sorry I don't have any pictures to post; it was too dark by the time I got home. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 2

Day 2 of construction brought gravel to the driveway and digging of the foundation.  It is a very muddy mess now, but looks good and a very big hole! 
A very big hole, notice the gravel on the new driveway.  Molly considers jumping in.

Front-on view.  Beautiful Cropsey in the background.
Supposed to rain tomorrow, so not sure what they will be able to do. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 1

Day 1 of construction started with burying the foundation of the corn crib and breaking up the concrete and burying that.  While digging, they found an old homestead well (see the rocks that are the walls). 

Starting the job.

You'd never know there used to be a corn crib here.  (Molly is excited).

Where the new driveway will be, gravel coming tomorrow.
A lot accomplished on the first day.  Looks totally different already.  Tomorrow we will have a very large hole and a gravel driveway.  Hopefully the snow misses us, but won't matter anyway- full speed ahead!

Happy Monday

We have broken ground!  I will update more later with pictures.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Gearing up

Contractor and excavator out today; thumbs up to start Monday.  Got approval from road commisioner to bring the gravel trucks on the road to our house.  Who's excited?!!

In baby news, Brian and I are going to Childbirth Education Class tomorrow- an all day marathon.  7 weeks to go!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Get ready

More stuff brought out today (apparently it is the molds for the walls).  Brian talked to the guy and said the excavator plans on digging Monday- says weather should be good to dig and pour concrete next week. 

And we may have had our first fatality.  A tree got ran over by the truck- it was just a little guy so we may be able to save it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Signs of activity

Someone (I'm assuming someone to do with the house?) dropped off some wood and materials today.  Supposed to bring the heavy equipment out tomorrow.  Hopefully the weather warms up for next week.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Delayed (before we even started...)

Weather is going to be too cold to start digging tomorrow, so we are delayed until at least next week.  It is staked out and ready to go though.  And we have a Johnny-on-the-Spot (the crapper) here now by the Morton building- in case anyone is driving by and has the urge :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Dreams come true!

We are finally on our way to building a new house.  This is a picture of what it should look like finished.

This is what it looks like now :( 

We have a lot of work to do, but will all be worth it in the end.