Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013

We had a good weekend.  Brian got off work and we headed north to visit family.  Had a cookout at Mom & Dad's and the kids swam in the little pool.
Daddy and daughter

Dad's and their kids

Today was also the Warrior Dash - a 5K with obstacles and mud.  I wasn't able to run this year, but those who did got very muddy and had a good time.

Before picture

Family pic

The kids being entertained before the race

A pondering warrior

After the race

Muddy Brian

The kids cleaning off the yucky mud

Audrey in the pool

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fruity Girl

A few pics of Audrey enjoying some fruit.  She loves fruit.  But strangely does not like baked potatos - who doesn't like baked potatos?

Eating an apple

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Another rainy weekend...

Well, this rain is getting old...
Audrey wanted to help wash the dishes.

I finally finished our wedding quilt.  (only took 2 1/2 years)

7pm.  This is what happens when she refuses to nap during the day.  I'm going to be in trouble tonight :(