Thursday, April 24, 2014

First haircut and Easter

Audrey got her first haircut last weekend by Aunt Lana.  They both did great, though Audrey did need a little bribery with M&M's. 

We had brunch and an easter egg hunt at Mom and Dad's house for Easter.

Taking a break during the hunt.

Evelyn had a good time also.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Check-up time

Audrey went to the doctor for her two year check-up this week.  She's shot up in height and is 34.25in (70th percentile) and weighs 26lbs 6oz (46th percentile).  No shots this visit!
Audrey and Evelyn ready to go for a run. 

Audrey standing next to her birthday tree.  Mike and Jodi gave this to her for her first birthday.