Sunday, May 31, 2015

Helpful Family

The opportunity for free fencing was offered to us and we jumped on it.  It just took a quick trip to bring it back :)
Break time.  This is only a small portion of the wood.

Actually it was a lot of work as it involved taking the fence down; nails, screws, posts in concrete, loading it on trailers and then unloading everything into our shed.  I'm very thankful that my wonderful father, brother Mike and nephew Chuck came down to help Brian out.  It was an all-day adventure, including a flat tire on the trailer.  It will be just as much work putting it back up, but we'll save that for another day! 

Audrey is also thankful that she got to play with her cousin.  Here he is reading her a bedtime story.
Chuck pulling Audrey
Evelyn almost ready for tricycle

Please note, the above pictures were taken today, May 31st - and we are wearing winter hats!

One night, Audrey wanted to sleep with Evelyn.  After 1 hour of messing around, they finally fell asleep next to each other, on the floor.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day weekend

Audrey enjoys picking flowers and putting them in a vase.  Lucky for her, we have plenty of dandelions to pick.  The field has gotten a little tall, though nothing close to the 6-foot tall weeds we had the first year we were here.  Finally got it mowed today.

Evelyn found a mud puddle but then got very upset when she fell into it.

The girls riding the John Deere.  Audrey is pushing the pedal for Evelyn, who is steering. 
Yes, Audrey is wearing a housecoat :)

We took Great-Grandpa Stevens out to lunch and then stopped by the cemetery to visit our relatives/veterans.
The wind was fierce this morning but only a short rain and then it was beautiful this afternoon and evening.  I even got some time in the hammock :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Bowling fun

Audrey helping to make my favorite special k treats

Last weekend we went north to bowl for charity.  We are terrible bowlers, but had a great time!

Evelyn specialized in the ball return job

Brian proved he's the #1 Dad when he won Audrey another stuffed animal from the claw machine.

We even got a visit from Fun Brian - here he is rolling the ball with his feet.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Bessie got buried in stuffed animals

Audrey and Evelyn wanted a turn

Happy Mother's Day!

Crazy girls

Four generations

Tuesday, May 5, 2015