Monday, June 13, 2016

4 months

Sam is 4 months old now and is a tank.  He was 84th percentile for height and 86th percentile for weight.  He started sleeping through the night 1 month ago which makes me so happy!  (If only Evelyn could sleep through the night...)  He still very much likes to be held and will only tolerate not being held a short amount of time.  He will also only tolerate his sisters in his face a short amount of time.  They love him still and whenever he cries Evelyn sings to him - though her singing voice is like a cat getting its tail pulled.  And Audrey is a little jealous he gets any attention and often wants to be the baby again. 
Audrey is putting "bandaids" on Evelyn.

Went to the pool this weekend and he wasn't a fan of sitting in the baby pool but loved being carried around the big pool.  Tried to put a swim shirt on him and it rolled up like an old window shade.