Sam is 6 months old (and it's been a month since I posted). He is a big boy, weighing in at 19lbs 1 oz and is 85% for height and weight. Got his check-up today and his shots. Let out one short cry and then was fine. He is sitting up pretty well but not rolling over - I'm guessing because he's so big. He has a great smile and sleeps through the night. He does still demand to be held by me all, day, long :)
I felt brave and took all three kids to the fair last week by myself. It was unlimited rides wristband day so the girls got their (my) money's worth and rode until the cows came home. We did take a break to visit the farm exhibit and they got their faces painted. Was a good time, especially when the day ended with Avanti's for dinner!
We have been very busy this summer- lounging at the pool whenever we get the chance.