Wednesday, October 3, 2012

New food!

Since Audrey is 6 months old now, we are going to expand her food palatte.  We started with a banana tonight.  I blended it and added a little formula to thin it out.  She seemed to like it, but really just likes chewing on the plastic spoon. 

Her first bite

Audrey hanging in her bouncer.  She tolerated it for about 5 minutes while I was getting ready in the morning.

Audrey had her 6 month shots on Monday.  Got four shots and one oral vaccine (including the flu shot- have you gotten yours yet?).  She screamed, but calmed down pretty quick afterwards.  Weight is 48% percentile, length 30ish%.  She was hard to measure because she likes pointing her toes.

So ten days ago, Brian got several splinters in his hand while mowing the field.  We got a couple out with just tweezers and he felt another that then seemed to get better, so we left it alone.  Well, his finger has been swelling, turning red and getting painful.  So tonight we decided to dig that thing out. 

This is our operating room - the kitchen table.  Audrey was a spectator/student/assistant. 
We started with the lidocaine injection and Brian immediately broke out in a cold sweat, felt nauseous and thought he was going to pass out.  So I'm thinking- oh boy, this is going to be fun.  So with a cold compress on his neck and the color of Kermit the Frog, I proceeded to pull out a monster of a splinter and a little bit of puss. 

0.5cm in length, was straight in the finger.  This was the coolest splinter I've removed because once the pressure was relieved, it just popped right up. 

Free healthcare is just one of the perks of being married to me :)


  1. First of all - good grief, that's a big bowl of food for Audrey!
    Second - sorry I missed the surgical procedure! I could have done vitals or something ;) He's lucky he got the lidocaine ... where was that when you were yanking out my sutures??
    Great blog :)

  2. Umm okay .. note to self .. do not read your blogs while eating lunch :( .. on a good note .. Audrey gets cuter and cuter every day!!!
