Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dentist and other stuff

Audrey had her first trip to the dentist this week.  She needed about 3 minutes to warm up and then did great.
So as a reward, she got a new bike! 
You probably have two questions about this picture:
1. Where is her helmet?
2. Who dresses her?
She got a new helmet also and it didn't even last the night before Bessie chewed it up.
She has a love for changing her clothes frequently.  It's obvious she doesn't have to do the laundry.

You know you live in a small town when you see a tractor going through the carwash.

We played for 2 hours at the park on Saturday, so these guys were wiped out and actually slept together for the first time.  It did not work two days in a row, they just played and had to be separated on Sunday for naptime.

Enjoying some outside time at our clubhouse.

1 comment:

  1. We're proud of you, Audrey, for being such a good girl for the Dentist! And that's a very pretty bike - be careful!

    Sweet girls sleeping together, too :)

    Bessie ... there's a special place for you somewhere ... far far away I think
